Happy 21st Birthday to Juwie!!!
watched the stars @
*1:58 AM*
watched the stars @
*11:31 AM*
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Time really flies. Haha,I'm 21 le. Had a most memorable birthday yesterday with a few of my gd frens. Thanks Huamin, Zhijia , Mansze, Jacinta and Meiyu for taking time out to spend the day with me yesterday, especially Zhijia, I feel bad that u had to forgo ur Genting trip jus to stay here to celebrate my birthday with us. Hey,Sorry har. The presents were great,the cards were really sweet and the cake was delicious, hope that you all din spend a lot of $ on me. But what touched me the most yesterday was not the presents or things i received, it was the friendship i felt between us, all along, i have felt that I was sort of a loner, i nvr had many frens.Maybe it was because i do not know how to communicate with people? Or it was because I was jus too introverted? Hahaha, but yesterday i really felt glad, i may not have many frens but I know that I do have frens who really care for me and they will there for me when I need them. 我想我是幸福的。 我拥有爱我的家人,真心待我的朋友,人生无法尽如人意,但拥有这两样最重要的东西,我想我可以坚持下去。